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School Guide


Teaching time

Compulsory teaching time

The school year usually consists of 40 school weeks. Effective teaching time does not occur in all weeks. This is due, among other things, to holidays, study days, test weeks, report meetings, and so on. Within our program we monitor the norm of 3700 (vmbo and mavo), 4700 (havo) and 5700 (vwo) hours per school career. We limit and prevent class dropouts as much as possible. To this end, a number of measures have been taken such as:

- Reception by a teacher who does not have a class at that time (substitute teacher).
- Distribution of the class to other teaching groups (study room).
- Accommodation of the class in a separate study room (OLC).

In addition, as a school we attach great importance to the prevention and prevention of absenteeism. Student absenteeism is recorded in Magister. If a student is too often late, absent or sick, measures will follow. The mentor and student coordinator monitor this. In this we cooperate with the school doctor and the compulsory education advisor.

Lesson tables

Class schedules can be found on our website:

Lesson times, vacations and study days

You can also find these on our website.

Updated on: October 15, 2024