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School Guide


Citizenship Education

At Sondervick College we believe it is important for our students to develop as global citizens. Our education aims to promote active citizenship and social integration.
Core qualities in this are having an open mind, interacting with others and respecting each other.

Citizenship Relay

To give citizenship a more prominent role within education, we are working with the citizenship relay. This initiative means that starting in the bridge class, students in all subjects are working on (subject-related) moral dilemmas that are discussed by means of a dialogue. The introduction of the relay starts for all grades in the first period of the bridge class. Then the "baton will be transferred" to the other subjects. Each subject will deal with a (subject-related) moral dilemma (at least) once in junior high and once in senior high.

Citizenship Ambassador

Within the school there are two teachers who fulfill the role of citizenship ambassador.
For havo/vwo: Linsy Schats
For vmbo/mavo: vacancy

Updated on: June 14, 2024