Going to bridge class
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A good start!
Pretty exciting, that transition from elementary school to high school. Together with your elementary school, we make sure you get off to a good start. It is important to us that you quickly feel at home and safe, and that you join a good class.

NEW: bilingual vwo bridge class
Voor de vwo-leerling die extra uitdaging zoekt hebben we vanaf schooljaar 2025-2026 een tweetalige vwo-brugklas. Een brugklas voor leerlingen die op zoek zijn naar een uitdagende, tweetalige leeromgeving.
The mentor
The person who is always there for you is your mentor. If you or your parents have any questions, you can always contact the mentor. The mentor also gives the mentor lessons to your mentor class. Here you "learn how to learn" and how best to tackle your homework. Your mentor also teaches you how we deal with each other at school and what agreements there are at school.
Two-year bridge classes
It is important to us that you quickly feel at home at our school and that you are in the right place. At our school, all bridge classes are two-year classes. This gives you ample time to get used to secondary education. There is a vmbo basis/kader bridge class, a mavo/havo bridge class and a havo/vwo bridge class. In these so-called roof-top classes, classes are taught at both levels. Do you need some extra explanation? Then you will get it. Just ready for some extra challenge? Then the teacher will provide in-depth material. During testing we take your level into account. In the second year at the Sondervick College we look, together with you and your parents, at which study program suits you best.
Fun activities
We organize many educational and fun activities. Like the fall ball, a swimming party, technology and design excursions and theme weeks. That way you get to know each other well.