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Sem, Ryan and Adri

Did you know that every year ín school a house is built by our fourth-year students with the profile Building, Living and Interiors? This school year Adri (16), Ryan (17) and Sem (15) are building the house with their classmates.

"This year it's going to be a house with a gabled roof and plumbing." says Ryan enthusiastically. From all the modules covered in this construction project, students choose a few. Ryan, Sem and Adri mainly deal with the construction work. The finishing work, such as wallpapering, for example, is taken care of by other apprentices. Adri: "Masonry profiles have to be level. Otherwise you get crooked walls and you can't wallpaper them."

Ryan: "In this project you learn to work well together. And that it is also important that you don't just say what goes wrong, but that you also mention the things that go right. We also learn a lot about safety while working. We have to, because we actually work with big machines." Sem: "We learn that you have to work cleanly. Although sometimes that is still difficult for some students."

What will they do in the future? Ryan sees himself as an all-round carpenter and Adri is still hesitating between bricklayer or tiler. Sem is already sure of his case: "Last year I did an internship at a tiler. I liked that so much that I now work there on Saturdays and I also want to make that my profession."