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School Guide


Absenteeism Policy

Attendance check

The school has an attendance monitoring system. Teachers note absent students each class. Is a student absent and no report of absence has been made by parents/guardians? Then the parent/guardian will be contacted.

Preventive absenteeism consultation at school

In case of persistent absenteeism (8x late or unauthorized presence), the student is reported to the preventive consultation hour of compulsory education at school.
If the truancy persists, the compulsory education advisor invites the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) for a meeting. In this situation, the compulsory education advisor can also make a report to HALT.

Leave request

A request for regular leave must be requested in writing by parents in a timely manner to the
student coordinator. Regular leave may be granted for:
- wedding or funeral
- Visit to orthodontist or dentist
- visits to family doctor or specialist/hospital
Visits to dentist/orthodontist and doctor should occur outside of school hours whenever possible.
Click here for 'Leave forms'.

Statutory leave arrangements

Extra leave due to religious obligations

When duties arising from religion or belief must be fulfilled, there is a right to leave. As a guideline, one day off per obligation will be given for this purpose. If this form of extra leave is used, parents must notify the school's education manager at least two days in advance.

Guidelines leave due to specific nature of one parent's occupation

The possibilities of obtaining leave for a family vacation, outside the school vacations, are limited. It can only be granted based on the specific nature of the profession of one of the parents. This leave can only be granted once per school year up to a maximum of ten school days. Parents must demonstrate that they are unable to take all school vacations for a continuous period of fourteen days as a family due to the nature of the occupation. The parent must submit a written request for this. The department's education manager will grant or withhold permission. Permission is never granted in the first two weeks after summer vacation.

Guidelines for leave for serious circumstances

A request for additional leave in case of serious circumstances pursuant to article 14 paragraph 1 of the Compulsory Education Act 1969 for ten school days per school year or less must be submitted to the school's education manager in advance or within two days of the occurrence of the impediment. This must involve "circumstances beyond the control of parents and child" and manifest unreasonableness for the child if permission is not granted.

Updated on: June 17, 2024