Clear and safe organization requires ground rules, our school rules. These are laid down in the school regulations. These school rules are derived from the codes of conduct that apply according to the general norms and values.
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Seeking sick leave
Parents report students sick by 8:30 a.m. via the Magister parent app. Or by phone between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m. at 040-230 94 44. Students report better by reporting this to the building absence coordinator at the start of the school day. In special cases or long-term illness, parents inform the program's education manager. When a student becomes ill during school hours and wants to go home, the student reports to the building absence coordinator*. We will contact a parent/guardian before the student goes home sick. If the student has missed a test or trial due to absence due to illness, the student will contact the subject teacher within three days of returning to school to coordinate when the missed work will be made up.
*In the absence of the absence coordinator, the student reports sick to the janitor or front desk. A student should always contact a staff member before returning home sick.
Being late
If the student arrives at school late, the student simply goes to class. The teacher then reports the student "tardy" in the system. After this, the student will automatically see in Magister that there is an obligation to report to the absence coordinator on one of the two following class days no later than 8:00 am. If a student has a valid reason for being late, this should be reported immediately by the student to the absence coordinator.
Removal from class
Upon expulsion (read red card), the student reports to the reception area. Parents will be notified by phone or in writing.
Students will remain on school property (between bike path and parking areas) during breaks.
Smoking and vaping
There is a general smoking ban on the Kempen Campus for students, staff and supervisors alike.
During breaks and intervals, invigilators supervise. Students should obey the invigilators' directions and assignments.
Copy, print and scan
Printing is monitored using management software. All print jobs (color and black and white) are charged. The students' print credit is set at €2.50 at the beginning of the school year and in January. Students can top up their print credit at the reception desk in the central building.
Chewing gum and energy drinks
The use of chewing gum is not allowed in the educational buildings. Energy drinks are also not allowed.
Students will receive a locker key to a locker in the building where they attend the program. The locker is for the sole purpose of storing personal belongings and
school materials. Examples of "unwanted" materials and goods are weapons or objects that can be used as such, alcoholic beverages, smoking materials, drugs, fireworks, etc.
Preventive locker checks may be conducted by the school even if the user is not present. The lockers are opened under the responsibility of the
school administration. If unwanted objects or goods are found, action will be taken in accordance with the 'School Safety Protocol'.
Dress code
Within the values and standards we stand for as a school, students may be expected to wear appropriate clothing that cannot be considered offensive and that allows for open communication and good eye contact. The wearing of caps and hats etc. is not permitted in the buildings. Headscarves may be worn, provided this is done for religious reasons. When in doubt as to the correct dress, the judgment of the Education Manager will be decisive.
During practical lessons, for his/her own sake, the student must wear the prescribed clothing, footwear and (possibly) safety glasses!
Students participate in a clean environment by depositing trash in the designated bins and paper in the paper bins.
Pupil Pass
All students receive a new student pass at the beginning of each school year. Students are required to carry it with them at all times. They need it for tardies, student parties, etc. Furthermore, the pass gives access to all kinds of facilities and activities. In case of loss or damage, the student can request a new one at the reception for a fee of €10.
Bicycle parking
From the Sondervick/Europalaan, a separate bicycle route has been constructed that exits at the back of the Kempen Campus site. This route is only accessible to cyclists. Students park their bikes in the bike racks reserved for them.
Bringing fireworks to school is prohibited. Possession and/or use of fireworks will result in immediate suspension. The police will be contacted if fireworks and other dangerous goods are trafficked.
The possession of objects bearing the character of a weapon or used as a weapon is prohibited. When dealing in this type of object or in possession, the police will be notified.
The possession of alcohol and drugs is not allowed, as well as the possession of medications that are not demonstrably in the interest of one's own health. These must be handed in. Trading or providing the above substances is also prohibited. Failure to follow the above rule will result in immediate suspension and may lead to expulsion from school.
Preventive actions
If the school administration deems it necessary, preventive actions may be taken, such as searching students and checking bags and lockers.
Cell phones
Our school is a phone-free school. Students put their cell phones in the locker before the first class period and do not take them out until after the last class period. They can also choose not to bring the cell phone to school. The same applies to the smartwatch and tablet.
The teacher will give timely notice if a cell phone is needed during class.
Damage caused intentionally or through carelessness to the buildings, systems, inventory, etc., will be recovered (from the parents of) the student in question.
Camera surveillance
Both on the campus grounds and in the buildings, cameras have been installed for security reasons. The agreements made at the Sondervick College regarding camera surveillance are in accordance with the privacy regulations drawn up by the Personal Data Authority (responsible for regulations on privacy). When entering the premises it is clearly indicated that there is camera surveillance. The recorded images are kept for a maximum of five days and are then automatically deleted.
The viewing of the recorded images for security reasons may only be done by a member of the school administration. If necessary, the school administration member may request assistance from a colleague in doing so and under the conditions that privacy is maintained. If necessary, police/justice may demand the images.
When playing sports during PE classes, students are required to wear the prescribed sportswear. Which consists of:
- Black shorts or leggings
- A black T-shirt
Gym shoes for use in the gymnasiums must have a tread, suitable for hall use. It is not permitted to use shoes in the hall that cause streaks on
the floor or that have been worn outside the gymnasium.
Updated on: June 18, 2024