Bilingual education
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Bilingual Education (TTO)
At the Sondervick College you can choose bilingual education (TTO) for the havo and vwo programs. You will then take more than half of all subjects in English from the first year of your studies. The subjects are also more internationally oriented.
With TTO, you are superbly prepared for an international working and learning environment. In five or six years as a TTO student, you will have heard, read, written and spoken more than 1,600-2,000 additional hours of English. You will also become more intensively acquainted with other cultures and manners. As a result, you will develop into a true citizen of the world.
An additional course you will take is English Language and Culture, taught by a native English speaker. During this course you will be introduced to the culture of the English-speaking world and practice additional language skills, such as debating and public speaking.
The TTO student
As a TTO student, you will master the English language by immersing yourself in it. As a TTO student, we expect you to communicate in English as much as possible within all TTO classes and outside of them with teachers and fellow students. All our TTO teachers have obtained the Certificate of Proficiency. This means that they can teach their own subject in English at a good level.
Internationally recognized certificate
After three academic years, you finish your TTO with an official Junior Certificate; B2 level for tvwo and B1 level for thavo. Starting in fourth grade, you work toward earning the highly sought-after and prized Cambridge Certificates. All these certificates are internationally recognized. Combined with your havo or vwo diploma, they give you access to various English-language higher education programs and universities worldwide.
Are you in elementary school and want to experience bilingual education once?
Then sign up for the trial afternoon of bilingual education!