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"For some subjects you no longer need books."
Do you think of high school primarily as learning from books? You don't have to! At the Sondervick College we provide variety. All our students have their own laptop. Some subjects you follow digitally, for other subjects you grab a textbook.
Jasentha James lived on St. Maarten for five years. She moved back to the Netherlands for the second grade of high school. Now she is in 4 vwo at Sondervick College. She likes that very much. "In the upper school you get even more responsibility of your own than in the lower school," she says. "You can schedule your own time more easily. For example, I often do my homework beforehand in the intervals."
Learning online
Like her classmates, Jasentha has her own laptop. This helps students learn to use the latest digital tools well. "In a number of subjects, you need your laptop in class," Jasentha says. "In second grade, for example, the biology and history curricula were entirely online. We no longer had regular books for that. Now I use the laptop a lot in Science Orientation class. And for the program Magister. Here you can find your schedule and grades and plan your homework. Your parents can also access Magister, so keeping a bad grade a secret is unfortunately difficult."
Laptop doctor
Jasentha loves using her laptop, but she also still does homework in notebooks. "Summaries I always make on paper, too. Then it sticks better. The fact that a lot can be done online is convenient. Also during corona: everyone has Teams on their laptop, so we could immediately continue with online education. And if you have problems with your laptop, you go to the laptop doctor at school. He makes sure the computer is fixed quickly."