During the Havo In Praktijk lessons, our students got to work on an assignment from the preHistoric Village in Eindhoven: develop a children's party aimed at children ages 6 to 11.
The project began with a visit to the preHistoric Village, where students gained inspiration by exploring the historic environment and activities. Then they worked in groups on their ideas. They worked out an activity, created a manual for facilitators, developed materials using a laser cutter and finally, each group presented their children's party to a jury. This jury included teachers and Yvonne Lamers, museum manager of the preHistoric Village. Teacher Jasper Prins: "Nice to see that the museum manager pays attention to other things than the teachers. And super nice that they worked on a real assignment, which is very motivating for our students!"
Caddy, Kasia, Joep and Mila came up with the winning children's party. In their idea, the preHistoric Village was destroyed and the children have to search for puzzle pieces during the children's party. Each piece forms a part of a house, which the children have to put together during the party. Together, the houses form a new prehistoric village.