Cas and Jesper
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"Learning via laptop saves books in your backpack"
All day with your nose in the books? At Sondervick College, you don't have to. Each student has his or her own laptop. For some subjects you learn digitally, for others you grab a textbook. Very varied and you learn how to use digital means.
Jesper Nouwens and Cas Schellekens (15) are in the fourth grade of vwo. They now know the school inside and out. "From the first class we have had laptop education," Jesper says. "For some subjects you only use the online curriculum on your laptop. With history, for example. For other lessons, like Dutch, you only have books. And for some subjects it's a combination. Per subject and per school year it's different."
To the laptop doctor
Cas and Jesper like that variety just fine. "The laptop works easily and most schoolwork is right there in one place," Cas says. "Learning online also saves a lot of books in your backpack. For some subjects you still have to take notes in notebooks, though. Too bad, because I prefer to do everything digitally." If something is wrong with their laptops, students can visit the laptop doctor. "Most problems are then solved in no time."
Feeling at home
For Jesper and Cas, getting used to their new school four years ago was not difficult. Cas has another tip for future first graders: "Don't just choose the school your friends also choose. Go to the school where you feel at home, with a level that suits you. That makes school a lot more fun.