Core values, mission and vision
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The Sondervick College is a school for everyone. We want to offer every child a good and appropriate education. Whether it is a pupil from a village around Veldhoven, or a child of newcomers. The Sondervick College stands in the middle of Veldhoven society and in the international Brainport region.
As a comprehensive school with the educational levels vmbo, mavo, (bilingual) havo, (bilingual) vwo and even an international department in house, we want to offer more than education. We help our students develop broadly into young adults who feel at home everywhere. Who are confident, enterprising and know their talents. That is what we stand for.
The Sondervick College offers more than education from a familiar and ambitious learning and working environment. Staff and students are allowed to be who they are, so that they can face their future confidently and self-confidently.

In our vision we formulate four strategic themes on which we will work in the coming years:
- more than education
- entrepreneurial growth
- broad school
- together locally and internationally
Core values
The core values we stand for, which are related to our mission and identity, are:
- trust
- ambition
- linked
- responsible
School Plan
The vision, mission and core values are described in our school plan. You can watch a brief summary of this school plan in this video.
The Sondervick College is part of the association Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs. Our identity is defined by the four pillars in OMO's strategic policy, described in Heading 2030. The four pillars are: good education, good people, good life, good action.