Career orientation and guidance
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Developing career competencies
We help you shape your future with our comprehensive Career Orientation Guidance (LOB) program. During your time at school you will get a clear picture of yourself, your educational possibilities and the job market. This helps you to make a study choice that really suits you.
The deanery
The deanery supports you in career orientation and guidance (LOB). Together with your mentor you look at your choice of profile and study program. The deans give extra advice and organize all kinds of activities.

The deanery organizes, supervises and supports the activities listed below. Activities may vary by program.
- Job fair: over 30 companies present themselves to our students.
- Vocational evening: some 40 colleges provide information to our students.
- Snuff internships
- Work orientation internships
- Careers
- Taking the occupational, profile or interest test
- Walk-in days
- Elevator pitch competition
- Job Training
- Workshops given by continuing education programs
- Former student night : former students provide information about their studies and student life
- Visiting the education fair
Study choice app LyceoLOB
Through the study choice app of you can track your progress in LOB. Parents can log in with the student number (found on your son or daughter's pass). You have your own password to access the information.
The site offers:
- An overview of open days and taster days.
- Understanding your career development.
Contact with the deans
Have questions or need more information? Our deans are here for you!
- havo/vwo: Ms. Stals-Stolk -
- vmbo/mavo: Mr. Thijssen -
Together we make sure you are well prepared for the future!