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Parental contribution

Voluntary parental contribution

With the budget we receive from the government, we pay for regular education. However, we want to offer our students more than legally required in many areas. Therefore, we offer all kinds of extra activities that enrich the learning environment of our students and do more justice to his/her talents. For example: introductory programs, educational excursions to museums and outdoor learning activities in the areas of sports, art and culture. These activities are therefore not part of the regular curriculum. To pay for these activities, the school asks for a voluntary parental contribution.

Based on the total parental contributions received, we determine the number and nature of the activities we can perform that school year. The parents' delegation of the MR is asked (in accordance with article 24a of the WVO) in advance for approval on the destination of the voluntary contribution made by parent(s)/caregiver(s).

Parents receive information at the beginning of the school year. An overview of the contribution and activities can be found here.