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"Connecting is the core of my work."

Fenneke Minkels is completely at home at the Sondervick College. Her work and her colleagues feel like a warm bath. As support coordinator, she makes sure students get the help and support they need.

"Our students need different types of support. In the social-emotional area, but also in more practical matters asas learning to plan. Our support team includes the remedial educationalist, the internal supervisor, the student coordinator and the absence coordinator. Starting in school year 2024/2025, we will work with a new support plan. We offer support on three levels: green for the whole class, orange for smaller groups and red for students who need specialized help. In our new plan, we are committed to green. We will work preventively to prevent students from falling into orange. Thus, each grade will have lessons on a specific subject, given by or partners such as Novadic-Kentron, Lumens, GGD and HALT. The topics range from resilience to learning learning. With this plan we do what we have wanted to do for some time: go back to basics and offer support to all students. We have made great strides forward made great strides."


"Our new support plan is ambitious because we are going to shift responsibilities. Previously, we would pull a student with support need out of the classroom and the support went to work individually. Then the child returned to the classroom and we were often back to square one. Now the student stays in the group as much as possible and we start working with him or her within the classroom system. This makes sense, because the basic support for our students consists of teachers and mentors. Together with the internal supervisor, they look at how they can help students. That is appropriate education."


"I spend all day connecting. I work closely with my colleagues, with other schools and with partners in the Veldhoven community. From municipality to care organizations and from high schools to Our Secondary Education. Together with all these parties I look at how we can help students who get stuck back on track. Together we that students end up in the right place. It gives me a lot of energy when we manage to do that, at whatever place. As long as the child is doing well, because that's what it's all about."